luni, 12 aprilie 2010

Facebook iti poate distruge cariera! Afla aici cum poti evita acest lucru!

Iata, pe scurt, care sunt cele mai grave sase greseli pe care nu trebuie sa le faci, daca vrei sa ai o cariera linista, din acest punct de vedere:

1. Fotografii nepotrivite

S-ar putea sa-ti sune absurd, dar angajatorii sau clientii nu doresc sa te vada in poze in care dai pe gat sticle cu vin, de exemplu, si nu apreciza deloc sa te admire in tinute indecente. Si oricum, e de bun simt, ca unele experiente personale sa ramana doar pentru tine.

2. Vaicareala despre job-ul pe care il ai

Cu siguranta ai facut asta cel putin o data. O nota in care iti exprimi nemultumirea legata de ceea ce faci in fiecare zi la birou, furia vizavi de incompetenta sefului tau sau simpla carcoteala ca ai un coleg care intarzie intodeauna. Sunt lucruri obisnuite pe care toata lumea le face, dar sa le expui intr-un spatiu public nu reprezinta cea mai buna miscare in cariera. Prin urmare, fii discret!

3. Atentii la informatiile care se bat cap in cap

Daca spui in cv-ul tau ca ai o diploma de la Harvard, dar pe profilul tau de Facebook scrii ca de fapt ai fost la UCLA, s-ar putea sa fii taiat din start de pe lista de interviu pentru un job. Motivul? Demonstrezi fie ca nu esti sincer, fie ca esti neglijent.

4. Status-uri pe care nu ai vrea sa le vada seful tau

"Colega mea se uita la un meci de handabal in timpul programului", "Nu sunt la munca. Sunt bolnav, dar deseara ma imbat". Practic orice informatie care te pune in postura unui neprofesinist nu este indicata, daca vrei sa dai bine.

5. Atentie la setarile de securitate

Acum este posibil sa iti faci o lista de prieteni si sa decizi care dintre ei pot vedea anumite informatii si care nu. Multi fac greseli pentru ca fie nu inteleg cum sa foloseasca setarile, fie sunt neatenti. Asadar rezerva-ti timp suficient ca sa te asiguri ca nu vei avea surprize neplacute.

6. Fii atent la ce posteaza altii despre tine

Nu poti controla ce posteaza prietenii tai pe pagina ta de profil sau ce posteaza la ei pe pagina, astfel ca fotografii pe care tu nu le publici, de exemplu, pot aparea pe conturile lor. Astfel angajatorul sau clientul tau s-ar putea sa afle despre cum te-ai facut praf la petrecerea de vineri seara, fara ca tu sa stii asta. Din pacate, oamenii ii judeca pe cei din jur si dupa anturajul pe care si-l fac, cel putin pana la un anumit punct. Prin urmare, ai grija la tot ce este legat de profilul tau si fii atent la lucrurile pe care nu ai vrea ca mama ta sa le afle.

Concluzia? Facebook te poate ajuta sa te angajezi sau te poate lasa fara job.

Cel mai bun sfat pe care ni-l dau specialistii este sa iti setezi profilul personal astfel incat sa fie vazut numai de cine vrei tu. Apoi creeaza-ti un al doilea profil public pe care sa-l folosesti strict in scop profesional. Acest profil functioneaza ca un cv online si ar trebui sa contina informatii pe care ai vrea ca un potential angajator sau seful tau sa le stie.

Citeste pe si: Facebook, vedeta incontestabila a retelelor de socializare online! Afla cat costa!

( Vrei sa traduci ceva?Want to translate something? )

duminică, 4 aprilie 2010

Test: Quiz: Default Values, Merge, and Multi-Table Inserts

Section 1

1. In developing the Employees table, you create a column called hire_date. You assign the hire_date column a DATE datatype with a DEFAULT value of 0 (zero). A user can come back later and enter the correct hire_date. This is __________. Mark for Review
(1) Points

A great idea. When a new employee record is entered, if no hire_date is specified, the 0 (zero) will be automatically specified.

A great idea. When new employee records are entered, they can be added faster by allowing the 0's (zeroes) to be automatically specified.

Both a and b are correct.

A bad idea. The default value must match the DATE datatype of the column. (*)

2. Which statement below will not insert a row of data onto a table? Mark for Review
(1) Points

INSERT INTO student_table (id, lname, fname, lunch_num)
VALUES (143354, 'Roberts', 'Cameron', 6543);

INSERT INTO student_table
VALUES (143354, 'Roberts', 'Cameron', 6543);

INSERT INTO student_table (id, lname, fname, lunch_num)
VALUES (143352, 'Roberts', 'Cameron', DEFAULT);

INSERT INTO (id, lname, fname, lunch_num)
VALUES (143354, 'Roberts', 'Cameron', 6543);


3. A multi-table insert statement must have a subquery at the end of the statement? (True or False) Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


4. The MERGE statement can be used to update rows in one table based on values in another table and if the update fails, then the rows will automatically be inserted instead. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


5. If a default value was set for a null column, Oracle sets the column to the default value. However, if no default value was set when the column was created, Oracle inserts an empty space. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

6. The MERGE function combines the: Mark for Review
(1) Points

CREATE and UPDATE commands

INSERT and UPDATE commands (*)

ALTER and UPDATE commands

all of the above

7. The DEFAULT keyword can be used in the following statements: Mark for Review
(1) Points




All of the above

8. A multi-table insert statement can insert into more than one table? (True or False) Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


( Vrei sa traduci ceva?Want to translate something? )

Test: Quiz: Updating Column Values and Deleting Rows

Section 1

1. How many rows will be deleted from the employees table with the following statement?

DELETE FROM employees
WHERE last_name = 'king';
Mark for Review
(1) Points

All the rows in the employees table will be deleted.

No rows will be deleted, as no employees match the WHERE-clause. (*)

One will be deleted, as there exists one employee called King.

All rows with last_name = 'King' will be deleted.

2. To change an existing row in a table, you can use the UPDATE or INSERT statements. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

3. Assuming there are no Foreign Keys on the EMPLOYEES table, if the following subquery returns one row, how many rows will be deleted from the EMPLOYEES table?

DELETE FROM employees
WHERE department_id =
(SELECT department_id
FROM departments
WHERE department_name LIKE '%Public%');

Mark for Review
(1) Points

No rows will be deleted.

One row will be deleted, as the subquery only returns one row.

All the rows in the EMPLOYEES table with department_ids matching the department_id returned by the subquery. (*)

All rows in the EMPLOYEES table will be deleted, regardless of their department_id.

4. DELETE statements can use correlated subqueries? (True or False) Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


5. Is the following statement valid, i.e. is it allowed to update rows in one table, based on a subquery from another table?

UPDATE copy_emp
SET department_id = (SELECT department_id
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 100)
WHERE job_id = (SELECT job_id
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 200);

Mark for Review
(1) Points

Yes, this is a perfectly valid statement. (*)

The statement will fail, because the subqueries are returning data from different rows

No, this will not work

No, this statement will return an error.

6. Using your knowledge of the employees table, what would be the result of the following statement:
DELETE FROM employees;

Mark for Review
(1) Points

Nothing, no data will be changed.

All rows in the employees table will be deleted if there are no constraints on the table. (*)

The first row in the employees table will be deleted.

Deletes employee number 100.

7. If the subquery returns one row, how many rows will be deleted from the employees table?

DELETE FROM employees
WHERE department_id =
(SELECT department_id
&nbspFROM departments
&nbspWHERE department_name LIKE '%Public%');
Mark for Review
(1) Points

No rows will be deleted.

One row will be deleted, as the subquery only returns one row.

All rows in the employees table which work in the given department will be deleted. (*)

All rows in the employees table will be deleted, no matter their department_id.

8. If you are performing an UPDATE statement with a subquery, it MUST be a correlated subquery? (True or False) Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

9. Which of the following statements best describes what will happen to the student table in this SQL statement?

UPDATE students
SET lunch_number =
(SELECT lunch_number
FROM student
WHERE student_id = 17)
WHERE student_id = 19;

Mark for Review
(1) Points

The statement updates the student_table by replacing student id 19's lunch number with student id 17's lunch number. (*)

Inserts a new row into the students table.

Does nothing, the as you cannot use subqueries in update statements.

Deletes student 17's lunch_number and inserts a new value from student 19.

( Vrei sa traduci ceva?Want to translate something? )

Test: Quiz: Insert Statement

Section 1

1. What is the quickest way to use today's date when you are creating a new row? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Simply write today's date in the format of 'dd-mon-rr'.

Simply use the keyword DATE in the insert statement.

Use the SYSDATE function. (*)

Use the TODAYS_DATE function.

2. When inserting rows into a table all columns must be given values. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

3. To return a table summary on the customers table, which of the following is correct? Mark for Review
(1) Points

SHOW customers, or SEE customers

DISTINCT customers, or DIST customers

DESCRIBE customers, or DESC customers (*)

DEFINE customers, or DEF customers

4. If the employees table have 7 rows how many rows are inserted into the copy_emps table with the following statement:

INSERT INTO copy_emps (employee_id, first_name, last_name, salary, department_id)
SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name, salary, department_id
FROM employees
Mark for Review
(1) Points

No rows, as you cannot use subqueries in an insert statement.

7 rows, as there is no WHERE-clause on the subquery. (*)

No rows, as the SELECT statement is invalid.

10 rows will be created.

5. Is it possible to insert more than one row at a time using an INSERT statement with a VALUES clause? Mark for Review
(1) Points

No, you can only create one row at a time when using the VALUES clause. (*)

Yes, you can just list as many rows as you want, just remember to separate the rows with commas.

No, there is no such thing as INSERT ... VALUES.

6. Which of the following statements will add a new customer to the customers table in the Global Fast Foods database? Mark for Review
(1) Points

INSERT IN customers (id, first_name, last_name, address, city, state, zip, phone_number);

INSERT INTO customers (id, first_name, last_name, address, city, state, zip, phone_number)
VALUES ("145", 'Katie', 'Hernandez', '92 Chico Way', 'Los Angeles', 'CA', "98008", "8586667641");

INSERT INTO customers (id, first_name, last_name, address, city, state, zip, phone_number)
VALUES (145, 'Katie', 'Hernandez', '92 Chico Way', 'Los Angeles', 'CA', 98008, 8586667641);


INSERT INTO customers
(id 145, first_name 'Katie', last_name 'Hernandez', address '92 Chico Way', city 'Los Angeles', state 'CA', zip 98008, phone_number 8586667641);

7. When inserting a new row the null keyword can be included in the values list for any null column. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


8. DML is an acronym that stands for: Mark for Review
(1) Points

Debit Markup Language

Don't Manipulate Language

Data Markup Language

Data Manipulation Language (*)

9. Insert statements can be combined with subqueries to create more than one row per statement. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


( Vrei sa traduci ceva?Want to translate something? )

Test: Quiz: Using SET Operators

Section 1

1. The difference between UNION and UNION ALL is Mark for Review
(1) Points

There is no difference between, you get exactly the same result.

UNION will remove duplicates, UNION ALL returns all rows from all queries (*)


UNION is a synomym for UNION ALL

2. MINUS will give you rows from the first query not present in the second query? (True or False) Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


3. INTERSECT will give you rows found in both queries? (True or False) Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


4. Which ones of the following are correct SET operators? (choose two) Mark for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)





( Vrei sa traduci ceva?Want to translate something? )

Test: Quiz: Correlated Subqueries

Section 1

1. In a correlated subquery the outer and inner query are joined on one or more columns? (True or False) Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


2. Table aliases must be used when you are writing correlated subqueries? (True or false) Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


3. Correlated Subqueries must work on the same tables in both the inner and outer query? (True or False) Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

4. The WITH-clause is a way of creating extra tables in the database? (True or False) Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

( Vrei sa traduci ceva?Want to translate something? )

Test: Quiz: Multiple-Row Subqueries

Section 1

1. The SQL multiple-row subquery extends the capability of the single-row syntax through the use of what three comparison operators? Mark for Review
(1) Points


IN, ANY and ALL (*)



2. There can be more than one subquery returning information to the outer query. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


3. The salary column of the f_staffs table contains the following values:

Which of the following statements will return the last_name and first_name of those employees who earn more than 5000.
Mark for Review
(1) Points

SELECT last_name, first_name
FROM f_staffs
WHERE salary = (SELECT salary FROM f_staffs WHERE salary > 5000);

SELECT last_name, first_name
FROM f_staffs
WHERE salary = (SELECT salary FROM f_staffs WHERE salary <>

SELECT last_name, first_name
FROM f_staffs
WHERE salary IN (SELECT salary FROM f_staffs WHERE salary > 5000);


SELECT last_name, first_name
FROM f_staffs
WHERE salary IN
(SELECT last_name, first_name FROM f_staffs WHERE salary < 5000);

4. Multiple-row subqueries must have NOT, IN or ANY in the WHERE clause of the inner query. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

5. When a multiple-row subquery uses the NOT IN (<>ALL) operator, if one of the values returned by the inner query is a null value, the entire query returns: Mark for Review
(1) Points

A list of Nulls

All rows that were selected by the inner query including the null value(s)

All rows, minus the null value(s), that were selected by the inner query

No rows returned (*)

6. Group functions, such as HAVING and GROUP BY can be used in multiple-row subqueries. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


7. In a subquery the ALL operator compares a value to every value returned by the inner query. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


8. Group functions can be used in subqueries even though they may return many rows. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


( Vrei sa traduci ceva?Want to translate something? )

Test: Quiz: Single-Row Subqueries

Section 1

1. Subqueries are limited to four per SQL transaction. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

2. In a non-correlated subquery, the outer query always executes prior to the inner query's execution. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

3. Single row subqueries may not include this operator: Mark for Review
(1) Points

ALL (*)




4. The result of this statement will be:

SELECT last_name, job_id, salary, department_id
FROM employees
WHERE job_id =
(SELECT job_id
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 141) AND department_id =
(SELECT department_id
FROM departments
WHERE location_id =1500)
Mark for Review
(1) Points

All employees from Location 1500 will be displayed

An error since you canメt get data from two tables in the same subquery

All employees with the department id of 141

Only the employees whose job id matches employee 141 and who work in location 1500 (*)

5. If the subquery returns no rows will the outer query return any values? Mark for Review
(1) Points

No, because you are not allowed to not return any rows from a subquery

Yes. It will just run and ignore the subquery

No, because the subquery will be treated like a null value. (*)

Yes, Oracle will find the nearest value and rewrite your statement implicitly when you run it

( Vrei sa traduci ceva?Want to translate something? )

Test: Quiz: Subqueries

Section 1

1. What will the following statement return:

SELECT employee_id, last_name
FROM employees
WHERE salary =
(SELECT MIN(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id);

Mark for Review
(1) Points

Nothing. It is an invalid statement. (*)

A list of last_names and salaries of employees

A list of first_names and salaries of employees in Department 50

A list of last_names and salaries of employees grouped by department_id.

2. What will the following statement return:

SELECT last_name, salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary < (SELECT salary
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 103)
Mark for Review
(1) Points

A list of last_names and salaries of employees that makes more than employee 103

A list of last_names and salaries of employees that makes less than employee 103 (*)

A list of first_names and salaries of employees making less than employee 103

Nothing. It is an invalid statement.

3. What will the following statement return:

SELECT last_name, salary
FROM employees
WHERE (department_id, job_id) IN (SELECT (department_id, job_id)
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 103)
Mark for Review
(1) Points

A list of last_names and salaries of employees that works in the same department and has the same job_id as that of employee 103. (*)

A list of last_names or salaries of employees that works in the same department and has the same job_id as that of employee 103.

A list of last_names and salaries of employees that works in the same department or has the same job_id as that of employee 103.

Nothing. It is an invalid statement.

4. Which of the following statements is a true guideline for using subqueries? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Do not enclose the subquery in parentheses.

Place the subquery on the left side of the comparison condition.

The outer and inner queries can reference more than one table. They can get data from different tables. (*)

Only one WHERE clause can be used for a SELECT statement, and if specified, it must be the outer query.

5. Subqueries can only be placed in the WHERE clause. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points


False (*)

6. Examine the following statement:

SELECT last_name, salary
FROM employees
WHERE department_id = (SELECT department_id
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 103) AND job_id = (SELECT job_id
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 103)

Is this a pair-wise or non-pair-wise Subquery?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

This is an example of a non-pair-wise subquery. (*)

This is an example of a pair-wise subquery.

Neither. This statement is illegal, and will not run.

( Vrei sa traduci ceva?Want to translate something? )

Test: Quiz: Group By and Having Clauses, ROLLUP and CUBE Operations, and Grouping Sets

Section 1

1. Which of the following SQL statements could display the number of people with the same last name: Mark for Review
(1) Points

SELECT first_name, last_name, COUNT(employee_id)
GROUP BY last_name;

SELECT employee_id, COUNT(last_name)
GROUP BY last_name;

SELECT last_name, COUNT(last_name)
GROUP BY last_name;


SELECT employee_id, DISTINCT(last_name)
GROUP BY last_name;

2. The use of GROUP BY GROUPING SETS(....) can speed up the execution of complex report statements? (True or False) Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


3. The following is a valid statement:

FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;

True or False?
Mark for Review
(1) Points

True (*)


4. Read the following SELECT statement. Choose the column or columns that must be included in the GROUP BY clause.

SELECT COUNT(last_name), grade, gender
GROUP_BY ?????;
Mark for Review
(1) Points


last_name, grade

grade, gender (*)

last_name, gender

5. Examine the following statement:

SELECT department_id, manager_id, job_id, SUM(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS((department_id, manager_id), (department_id, job_id))

What data will this query generate?

Mark for Review
(1) Points

Total salaries for (department_id, job_id) and (department_id, manager_id) (*)

Total salaries for (department_id, job_id, manager_id)

Total for (job_id, manager_id)

The statement will fail.

6. If you want to include subtotals and grant totals for all columns mentioned in a GROUP BY clause you should use which of the following extensions to the GROUP BY clause? Mark for Review
(1) Points


CUBE (*)



7. Is the following statement correct?

SELECT department_id, AVG(salary)
FROM employees;

Mark for Review
(1) Points

No, because a GROUP BY department_id clause is needed (*)

No, because the SELECT clause cannot contain both individual columns and group functions

No, because the AVG function cannot be used on the salary column


8. Examine the following statement:

SELECT department_id, manager_id, job_id, SUM(salary)
FROM employees

Select the correct GROUP BY GROUPING SETS clause from the following list:

Mark for Review
(1) Points

GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (department_id, AVG(salary)), (department_id, job_id), (department_id, manager_id)

GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (department_id, salary), (department_id, job_id), (department_id, manager_id)

GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((department_id, manager_id), (department_id, job_id), (manager_id, job_id)) (*)

GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((department_id, manager_id), (department_id, SUM(salary), (manager_id, job_id))

9. How would you alter the following query to list only employees where more than one employee exists with the same last_name:

SELECT last_name, COUNT(employee_id)
GROUP BY last_name;

Mark for Review
(1) Points

SELECT last_name, COUNT(employee_id)
GROUP BY last_name

SELECT last_name, COUNT(last_name)
GROUP BY last_name
HAVING COUNT(last_name) > 1;


SELECT last_name, COUNT(last_name)
GROUP BY last_name
EXISTS COUNT(last_name) > 1;

SELECT employee_id, DISTINCT(last_name)
GROUP BY last_name
HAVING last_name > 1;

10. Is the following statement correct:

SELECT first_name, last_name, salary, department_id, COUNT(employee_id)
FROM employees
WHERE department_id = 50
GROUP BY last_name, first_name, department_id;

Mark for Review
(1) Points


No, beause you cannot have a WHERE-clause when you use group functions.

No, because the statement is missing salary in the GROUP BY clause (*)

Yes, because Oracle will correct any mistakes in the statement itself

11. Examine the following statement:

SELECT department_id, manager_id, job_id, SUM(salary)
FROM employees
GROUP BY ROLLUP(department_id, manager_id)

What extra data will this query generate?

Mark for Review
(1) Points

Subtotals for department_id, and grand totals for salary.

Subtotals for department_id, job_id and grand totals for salary.

Subtotals for department_id, job_id, manager_id and grand totals for salary.

The statement will fail. (*)

( Vrei sa traduci ceva?Want to translate something? )