Test: Quiz: Conditional Expressions
Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer.
Section 1
1. For the given data from Employees (last_name, manager_id) what is the result of the following statement:
( King, null
Kochhar, 100
De Haan, 100
Hunold, 102
Ernst, 103)
SELECT last_name,
DECODE(manager_id, 100, 'King', 'A N Other') "Works For?"
FROM employees
Mark for Review
(1) Points
King, Null
Kochhar, King
De Haan, King
Hunold, A N Other
Ernst, A N Other
King, A N Other
Kochhar, King
De Haan, King
Hunold, A N Other
Ernst, A N Other
Invalid statement.
King, A N Other
Kochhar, King
De Haan, King
Hunold, Kochhar
Ernst, De Haan
Correct Correct
2. CASE and DECODE evaluate expressions in a similar way to IF-THEN-ELSE logic. However, DECODE is specific to Oracle syntax. True or False? Mark for Review
(1) Points
True (*)
Correct Correct
3. Which of the following is a conditional expression used in SQL? Mark for Review
(1) Points
CASE (*)
Correct Correct
4. Which statement will return a listing of last names, salaries and a rating of 'Low', 'Medium', 'Good' or 'Excellent' depending on the salary value? Mark for Review
(1) Points
SELECT last_name,salary,
(CASE WHEN salary < 5000 THEN 'Low'
WHEN salary < 10000 THEN 'Medium'
WHEN salary < 20000 THEN 'Good'
ELSE 'Excellent'
END) qualified_salary
FROM employees;
SELECT last_name,salary,
(CASE WHEN sal < 5000 THEN 'Low'
WHEN sal < 10000 THEN 'Medium'
WHEN sal < 20000 THEN 'Good'
ELSE 'Excellent'
END) qualified_salary
FROM employees;
SELECT last_name,sal,
(CASE WHEN sal < 5000 THEN 'Low'
WHEN sal < 10000 THEN 'Medium'
WHEN sal < 20000 THEN 'Good'
ELSE 'Excellent'
END) qualified_salary
FROM employees;
SELECT last_name,salary,
(RATING WHEN salary < 5000 THEN 'Low'
WHEN salary < 10000 THEN 'Medium'
WHEN salary < 20000 THEN 'Good'
ELSE 'Excellent'
END) qualified_salary
FROM employees;
Correct Correct
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